Industry Verticals
Small & Medium Enterprises
While SMEs is the lifeline of the global economy, there are so much to do yet so little time to use. Check out how Kood is able to save your time while multiplying your ROI at the same time.
The open secret to success
Many businesses believe they are too small or does not need data, which is far from the truth. Data that is analyzed correctly can be the key to success! Data acquisition that can provide actionable insights to improve overall efficiency & profitability can make success come true.
While it is true that data collection & analysis requires additional resources, the results it delivers are worth the investment. When you have access to an amount of market information related to your business, you will then be able to complete the dots of the customer journey. For example, you’ll know how people get to know your brand, what and from where they buy, what makes them choose you again and again and more.
With this information, you can change the way to interact with potential consumers and resolve issues speedily through Kood which bridges you directly to your users.
So, again, why do I need data for?
Reduce costs & improve decision-making
Data can help you minimize and eliminate non-essential expenses. Many businesses spend huge sums on marketing, advertising, B2B relationships, and other costs that are often not effective or relevant. However, data can help you identify expensive processes and redundant workflows. With the latest data, you can find areas of your business to scale up or down which can have long-term financial benefits.
Increase sales & revenue while predicting trend
Data can provide you with in-depth intelligence into your customer lifecycle where you can identify new methods to encourage sales. Good data might give you the confidence you need to launch a new product or diversify your business, and this could prove lucrative.
Improve inventory management
It may seem that inventory issues aren’t critical for small businesses. In fact, not having an inventory management strategy, keeping unclear inventory records, over/under ordering, and other mistakes can damage your business. You can improve all these with data analytics.
Through Trackco, your distributors are able to help you connect your product journey while we prepare a complete list of product movement reports for you to work on.
You can keep guessing why your business spends a fortune on advertising but gets no consumers, or you can start leveraging data analytics to gain all the needed insights for your business.
Ready to get started?
You can keep guessing why your business spends a fortune on advertising but gets no consumers, or you can start leveraging data analytics to gain all the needed insights for your business.