Industry Verticals – Automotive, electrical & electronics

March 27, 2022 2022-12-12 16:47

Industry Verticals

Automotive, electrical & electronics

From enormous vehicle parts to the smallest IC chips, we can help you get the best out of your products no matter the size or type.

Killing two birds with one stone

The rapidly growing automotive, electrical & electronic businesses do not only face counterfeit problems but also high volume of warranty claims. Manual warranty registration by post or physical stores are still common where fraudulent claims happen most. Many users who bought counterfeited products from the black market or online tend to make warranty claims through official stores and usually, their claims end up being approved.

Boost users' confidence

Now with Kood that has both the functions; product authentication & online warranty registration before claims happen, business owners in the industries are able to boost users' confidence with utmost protection while preventing company losses from fraudulent claims.

Run the show of your business

Take control over your product price points across multiple sales platforms especially on e-commerce sites with price variation of up to 30% from the suggested retail price. The variation of product prices may bring uncertainty amongst consumers where they may suspect your products are being counterfeited. With a series of suspicions, you might be losing a number of customers to your competitors who may have a stable and standardized price point.

Identify and manage all your distributors in one click through our stock and distribution management function. Detect suspicious activities and discover the troublemaker within your distribution channels through product identification before it ruins your brand and product reputation.

Ready to get started?

You can keep guessing why your business spends a fortune on advertising but gets no consumers, or you can start leveraging data analytics to gain all the needed insights for your business.